Inside the Greenhouse:
Utilizing Media to Communicate Positive Solutions for Climate Change
ENVS 3100

Course Schedule

Week 2

Tuesday, January 21

  • vocal, physical, improvisational work   
  • workshop on writing ‘off the page’ and exploring multi-literacies
  • co-facilitation sign-ups

[1-1:45pm]:students from Prof. Rebecca Safran’s ‘Climate and Film’ class (EBIO 4460)

Abrina Williams (Institute for Social & Environmental Transformation (ISET) & ITG alum)


Thursday, January 23

  • a climate science, policy/politics and creative climate communications primer & discussion

Smith, B. (2013) ‘Staging Climate Change: The Last Ten Years’ Tipping Points working paper London

Maniates, M. (2001) ‘Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World?’ Global Environmental Politics 1(3) 31-52.